Kenny Bridges


Kenneth (Kenny) Bridges retired from public education in January 2019. His career spans three decades and three states: seventeen years in Oklahoma, six years in Kansas, and seven years in Colorado. Starting as a teacher and coach in Wellington, Kansas, he had various roles, including athletics director, assistant principal, pk-12 principal, and the last nine years as superintendent. Kenny earned his first bachelor of science degree in Tourism Management/Business Administration from Northeastern State University (NSU) in Tahlequah, Oklahoma. His second BS degree, also from NSU, was in Education with minors in Social Studies and Health/Physical Education. He continued his education at NSU while working full time, earning his master's degree in Higher Education Instruction and finishing his credentialing program in Education Administration in 2000. Kenny completed his formal education, earning his ED.S. in Education Leadership from Oral Roberts University in 2016. 

Kenny lives in Tahlequah, Oklahoma, with his wife, Cheryl, also an educator. They have five children, all residing in northeastern Oklahoma, and seven grandchildren, ranging in age from 18 to 3 years. They love to go on cruises, travel to Mexico beach destinations, and attend blues/classic rock music concerts. Kenny plays golf often.